Massages and (pre) Natal care from midwife Karidja Coulibaly Egberts


Growing towards a better knowledge of myself, I learn day by day to recognize, and to name, my real needs. We live in a world where everything has to be done quickly and where performance reigns supreme. There is hardly any place left to be and to feel ourselves.


As a midwife and a masseuse, this conclusion has brought me to wish to bring you a time to stop and to find yourself back, either through a relaxing or energetic massage, or through a “4-hands” massage with my partner Henk Meulendijks.


My idea is to care for you during your pregnancy, or even if you are not pregnant but wish to have some time to treat yourself to a massage. I believe that as women we carry within us the amazing potential to be a mother, now or at some other time. Without going to extremes, I wish to be at your side and travel some of the road together. I am of the opinion that a woman who bears so much hope within her is not enough appreciated or pampered!
Could I invite you to look upon your femininity through a kaleidoscope full of colors and surprises?